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Bluehost Affiliate Program Learn More

Program Details

Base Commission $65 - $100+
Payment Frequency Monthly
Payment Type PayPal, Wire
Accepted Countries Global

Bluehost Affiliate Program: Overview

Bluehost is one of the most recognized Web hosting providers for their incredible pricing, quality customer service, and robust hosting packages. Customers choosing Bluehost can begin hosting their sites for as little as $3.95/month.

Bluehost includes:

  • A free domain name for new users
  • Free site builders and WordPress installation
  • A robust, feature-rich backend and support system

More than 2 million websites use Bluehost as their web hosting provider – and for good reason. Their service has one of the best site up-times. And, includes variable options from shared hosting to VPS, dedicated, and reseller options. It’s a perfect combination for new site owners to big brands.

Their service also includes unlimited storage, add-on domains, email services, and more. They’ve truly done a wonderful job providing top-notch options at affordable prices. These reasons are why so many choose the service and why many partners get behind the Bluehost affiliate program.

About the Bluehost Affiliate Program

The Bluehost affiliate program is free to join and works through simple affiliate links, easy-to-understanding tracking, and effective creative banners. New partners can join and begin promoting Bluehost affiliate offers within minutes of acceptance.

The program and its dedicated team are available for personalized support and advice.

Bluehost Affiliate Terms

What else makes the Bluehost program great? Try:

  • $65+ commissions for each sale
  • Unlimited earnings potential
  • Custom campaigns and resources

The Bluehost affiliate income potential is wild.

You’ll see so many bloggers, business owners, and social media users promoting Bluehost web hosting services. Their strong brand and rewarding affiliate program can become one of your best online money-makers when paired with affiliate marketing efforts and their provided Bluehost coupon code.

The Bluehost Program: Pros and Cons

Let’s get into the finer details of the Bluehost program and its services.

Bluehost, itself, is quite a wonderful hosting service. The backend has an easy-to-navigate structure with all the expected features from a reputable web hosting platform. There are some quirks like the back-and-forth process of migrating domains and servers. But, ultimately, it’s well-documented and quick.

The other thing… you’re looking at a big up-front investment when joining Bluehost. Compare this to others like HostGator letting new users pay for a single month and you may find some barriers. Yet, this barrier can work in your favor because people are ready (and willing) to fully commit.

Bluehost Affiliate Pros:

  • Base $65 commissions with higher payouts per performance
  • Easy-to-use backend complete with a 90-day cookie, tracking, resources, and support
  • Top-notch service with incredible brand recognition and reputation

Bluehost Affiliate Cons:

  • Higher barrier-to-entry which may detract from some parties
  • Cannot reapply to the program with the same domain if rejected
  • Highly promoted and somewhat saturated in the affiliate space
  • Two referrals are needed before the first payout

Bluehost payouts process upon 90-days of subscribers joining the platform.

Bluehost Offers and Promotions Reviewed: Our Verdict

Here’s the thing:

There are dozens of great Web hosting platforms and services. Options blend because the industry, in total, has upped their game. This means someone landing on a hosting service page, and hyped up to build something, can get subscribed and never really think of hosting again – they could easily jump at the first hosting provider mentioned in a tutorial, guide, or tips post.

The homogenized Web hosting industry seems to boil down to two things: speed and pricing.

Unfortunately, Bluehost sells their packages in 12/24/36-month options.

This is daunting to someone never having set up a website or blog before. It’s a huge financial commitment!

However, Bluehost’s service is one of the best in its industry. Their simplicity, features, and incredible speeds – then add in a 30-day money-back guarantee and 24/7 support – helps many overcome this financial barrier and uncertainty. This is good for the affiliate.

Our verdict

The Bluehost affiliate program is the best option for affiliates and partners with an audience willing to follow through website setup. And, have a bit more money to spend like a serious entrepreneur or small business owner. Your “window shopping” visitors may be put off from its steep introductory price.

Yes, you should include the Bluehost affiliate program in your mix of promotions. And, include options for other web hosting providers to create comparisons for features and benefits. The high commissions and stellar service makes a Bluehost partnership one you must start today.