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eClickz Affiliate Program Learn More

Program Details

Base Commission Variable
Payment Frequency Monthly
Payment Type EFT
Accepted Countries Global

eClickz Affiliate Program: Overview

eClickz is a market leader in providing pay-per-click marketing opportunities. Their platforms give clients the planning, optimization, and roll-out of profitable online advertising to increase ROI.

The service works through search, display, and remarketing ads. The platform creates a bridge between advertisers and publishers but also works with other networks and agencies (wanting to offer ad services).

The eClickz affiliate program has both white label and partnership opportunities to earn money.

The partnership program allows site owners a way to earn revenue by placing ads on their domains. This includes header bidding, display ads, video ads, mobile ads, and search/content ads. The platform lets you define minimum CPM, offers a huge inventory, and a reporting dashboard to quickly (and easily) add this opportunity to your efforts.

The eClickz Program: Pros and Cons

The eClickz publisher program gives you something different for your community. You can monetize by adding affiliated offers to some of the biggest brands featured in print and TV media. Set the promotions to your specifics and you can earn big.

What are the highlights of the eClickz program? What are the lowlights?


  • You set the CPM pricing and potential earnings
  • Massive selection of ad formats across all channels


  • Minimum payout is $100
  • Not exactly an “affiliate” program

eClickz Offer and Promotions: Our Verdict

We know what you’re thinking… not exactly an affiliate program but that’s their word(s), not ours. Clickz does offer one though, really, it’s a publisher account. Either way, affiliates can begin earning money with their offers and promotions by joining and adding targeted ads on your domains.

This partnership platform provides a healthy alternative to an industry dominated by Google and Bing. Bring something new to your audience, and make money with their clicks, by partnering with eClickz.