
HostGator Affiliate Program: Overview HostGator Web hosting services provide an easy and affordable option for individuals, small businesses, resellers, and enterprise. HostGator became one of the top paying hosting affiliate programs from their generous payouts and partner support. The HostGator options include: Web hosting Cloud hosting WordPress hosting Reseller hosting VPS hosting Dedicated hosting Application hosting Windows hosting This includes visitor’s ability to register or transfer domain names through their platform. And, leverage the built-in website builder to quickly launch their online projects. HostGator provides stellar customer service and support through their customer portal, video tutorials, forums, and live chat....

The Only Video Marketing Checklist You’ll Ever Need (2018)

How many of you are struggling with video marketing? It looks easy. You: Get on camera Talk about a topic Publish it on YouTube But... It doesn't get the traction you were expecting nor does it rank in Google like you hoped. You read stats like how 76.5% of marketers and SMB owners are getting good results with video. Or, how 85% of Internet users watch online videos. You know its value...'re just struggling to make it work. Let's fix that. This post shares a simple, effective video marketing checklist to create more video and get better results. Creating...

Best Selling Summer Items and Offers Online (2018)

Americans will spend over $1,000 on summer items and travel. This is an ideal time to ramp up affiliate marketing. And A bit of holiday marketing tactics. You've got music festivals, BBQ's, vacations, and more. People are celebrating 4th of July and the Summer Solstice. They'll take any reason to get away from work and enjoy some time off. This article goes into the summer niches. It includes the summer items and products you'll want to promote online this 2018. It also explains how you could make money creating sites around these niches. Special note: We made this guide for...

Social Media Marketing: The Only Guide You Need

Social media marketing is the holy grail of lead generation. Social platforms from Facebook to LinkedIn provide free access to your market and industry. These platforms include extensive tools to build a following, share content, and bring people back to your site. We’re guessing you’ve tried social media before and didn’t see the returns. That’s okay. A lot of businesses are great at what they do… except with community engagement and social promotion. Some of you are introverts, too. You understand the value of social media marketing, but your follower count stagnates. And, you see little engagement. Let’s fix this....

Make Money with Information Products: Step-by-Step Guide

Information products. Or, infoproducts. Whatever you want to call them. These are the digital assets many entrepreneurs use to build email lists, create market authority, and earn a few bucks. You've probably read articles about how people make a living writing ebooks. Or, maybe you've bought an online course from a favorite blogger. The concept behind information products aren't foreign -- you, too, could create these digital goods with some dedication and a helpful guide. There isn't too big a difference between the great content you're creating now and getting it bundled for online sales. Need some good information product...

Competitive Research: Analyze and Out-Do the Competition

Competitive research helps to understand your competitors. Analyzing their actions help lower costs while revealing opportunities. You leverage their efforts. There are several ways to research your market. Read on, if you want to out-do the competition.   The Competitive Analysis Basics: Start Here to Understand the Competition Competitive intelligence is “the action of defining, gathering, analyzing, and distributing intelligence about products, customers, and competitors …”. We already know the value gained from a thorough understanding of keyword & market research. But: These two items merely touch the surface of what can be learned from the competition. The Must-Have Competitive Research...

How to Create a Wildly Successful YouTube Channel

Does your business have a YouTube channel? If not, it should! Almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day. Your business could be a part of that viewership if you're willing to create a YouTube channel. With it comes sales opportunities, brand building, and business feedback. Here's the thing: Making YouTube videos are easy and effective for growth A lot of your competitors are neglecting video marketing Your entry into YouTube marketing gives an amazing edge. Here's how to get things going... The Value of Creating a YouTube Channel Lemme get straight to the point. Video: Shows toward the...

How to Build an Online Community: Best Practices

Online community building should be one of your biggest objectives. Why? You can have an awesome product. You can have a great service. You could have exceptional customer service, too. But: It's hard for any of these to get notice if the community doesn't have your back. Building an online community takes time and dedication. It requires finesse and knowing how to appeal to your audience. If you can get people to return repeatedly and help share on social, then you're pretty much set to see your online business grow. Here's how to build that tribe.   Online Community Building...

How to Start a Video Game Website

Start a video game website sounds awesome, doesn’t it? It’s probably because you get paid to talk about your love of gaming. It’s also probably because you want to give back to the community. Whatever the reason, it’s an awesome idea. That’s not to say you won’t have challenges when building this gaming site. There are some big, established players in the market. Plus, lots of online personalities across Twitch, gaming forums, and in-game soaking up the attention. It takes a lot of hard work to go pro as a video game streamer. The gaming website will definitely help with that....