Niche Blogging Dangers: 4 Opportunity Killing Outcomes Waiting To Happen

There are many reasons why you would want to find yourself in a niche with Affiliate Marketing: Less competition Unique products Defined audiences These are all great benefits but there are times when you may be tempted to take your niching too far. Doing so has you backing yourself into a corner. You're now susceptible to the niche blogging dangers. It’s natural that you would want to carve a slice of your own in the marketplace. But... there are issues. The Problems of Sub-Niches and the Niche Blogging Dangers Bound to Happen Sometimes you find a valuable keyword with little...

How to Stop Content Skimming (and Get People to Read at a Snail’s Pace)

One of the issues we find as content creators is that many people skim through content. They’ll either: A. Just look at the URL or headline and deduct their own ideas B. Jump around and look past a lot of the smaller details we cover When people skim through the content we are losing valuable opportunities to send people to valuable, affiliated resources. You want them to slow down... waaaaaay slow....   It’s a given that people are going to do this regardless but there are ways to format your articles so it’s more engaging. Here is a quick set...

Unpaid Commissions Suck, But These Affiliate Dangers & Risks Are Worse.

Affiliate marketing is amazing because you don’t have to create a product or service. You leverage your understanding of the Web (such as content publication, social media, or advertising) to push affiliate offers and earn a commission. The way that sounds gives you the impression that there aren’t any risks involved with the industry. On the contrary. Affiliate marketing, like all other industries, does have its host of issues. There are plenty of hidden dangers and big risks involved when you get involved. This post wasn’t made to dissuade you from giving affiliate marketing a shot. It’s here so that...

How to Increase the Effectiveness of Email Campaigns: 6 Email Blast Marketing Tips

Your email list is pure gold if you increase the effectiveness of the campaigns. This means: More email opens Better response rates Don't have email blasts going yet? That’s a shame because the list is really where the money’s at. Use our email marketing guide to get things going. For everyone else? You could be doing a few things with it that seems somewhat successful. It’s not giving you the type of ROI you were expecting. No worries. We've got six ways to improve email marketing (and improve response and open rates)... 1. Set a Higher Threshold to "Weed Out"...

eSports: The Hottest Trend Disrupting Entertainment

We’ve seen major AAA titles do phenomenally successful in the market. New systems have just launched. Streaming services are a plenty. eSports, the growing community around competitive gaming, is bigger than ever which is why I’d like to take this time to go through its popularity and what opportunities are available from the affiliate angle. The Rise of eSports Just how popular are eSports? Considering that 32 million people tuned in to watch the League of Legends championship it’s easy to understand that this is going to be big. Gaming has gone mainstream. Platforms like Twitch have thousands of gamers...

Three Traits you need to Change as an Affiliate Marketer

When you make that transition from being an employee or traditional business owner into the world of affiliate marketing you bring along a lot of baggage. An employee has been trained to follow specific rules for their position. They aren’t allowed to think outside the box and solve problems their way, usually. Established business owners, too, get into a mindset of “if it’s not broke then don’t fix it”. Most of them have developed traits that set limiters on their ability to grow, in business. They may not see it immediately but it would become very apparent if and when...

How to Cope with that “Scatterbrained” Feeling at Your Crucial Moment of Success

There will be a moment along the way toward your success that you’ll meet around the half-way mark. It’s that moment when you’re just about to break into the industry but not everything is in the clear. What I’m talking about is the tipping point. This is the time when you have to give it your all and push harder than ever. It’s that time when you’re almost at the top of the curve and need that tiny nudge to make it over and cruise on down to success. What I’ve found, however, is that many people hit this tipping...

How-To Write Jaw-Dropping Emails that Gets the Click

Creating a consistent flood of jaw-dropping emails become a powerful business asset used to generate interest in your content. These emails encourage followers to share your work, and, the fun part, spur conversion and sales. (more…)