How-to Draft a Fool-Proof Guest Post Guideline

Accepting guest posts is a great way to keep your website fresh on content, allow others to share their knowledge, and bring insight to your community but it can be a real pain in the rear when you receive a guest post that’s either pure garbage or simply doesn’t ‘fit’ your style. A guest post guideline is a great way to increase the frequency of great guest posts; having one in place will free up your time having to deal with submitters and ensure you’re only receiving the best. In this post, we’ll be sharing a simple guest post guideline...

Affiliate Marketing is the Coolest Job: 10 Reasons Why

Ah, the life of an affiliate marketer... it's the coolest job, hands down. There are days when you’re putting in the full grind while others give you access to ultimate relaxation. We wanted to highlight what we believe are the top ten reasons why being an affiliate marketing is definitely the coolest job in the world. #1: You Get to Set Your Time Blah, the 9-to-5 is a quick and easy way to an early grave due to stress. Know why affiliate marketing is the coolest job? Because you get to choose your own hours so if you’re a morning...

Affiliate Taxes: The State by State Breakdown

You do realize you need to file affiliate taxes, right? One of the greatest benefits of operating an affiliate business or eCommerce shop is the ability to earn an income without oppressive sales tax imposed on brick & mortar businesses. However, in lieu of recent changes by the U.S. and state government, we’re now seeing a dwindling of states that let online income get a pass when it comes to taxes. The following is a breakdown of the current bills and laws that comprise the taxation on affiliate income. This also includes the states affected (and some still clinging without...

The Newsletter Anatomy: Designing Emails People Read

The email newsletter hasn’t changed much over the years but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Sure we have social media and a zillion new websites to choose from but good ol’ email still remains an extremely valuable asset to all affiliate marketers. The format has generally remained the same. Yet, marketers have found new strategies to take the old and breathe new life into this platform. Let’s grab a scalpel and dissect the inner workings and anatomy of an email newsletter. The Inner “Guts” of a Newsletter A newsletter truly boils down to four elements: The Content The content...

The Hidden Psychology of Evoking Emotions with Words and Colors

When is the last time you saw an infomercial on TV? Think about what the last one was for and how it made you feel. It was probably a weight loss, exercise, hair, skin or any other type of product that first started out by making you feel bad for whatever reason (being overweight, losing hair etc...). Then the infomercial moves to a brighter scene, better uplifting music plays and everyone on the screen is perfect and wonderful... and you can be too for just $39.95! It's funny how it works... and it does work! Infomercials are amazing in how...

What Content Management System (CMS) Is Best For You?

Product? Check. Website copy? Check. Design? Check. Launch, go! Wait a minute, hold your horses. Are you forgetting one of the biggest issues with websites from the very beginning? What happens if your business takes off and you suddenly need to add hundreds of pages to your website or make dozens of changes to all of the existing ones? Believe me, going back to your website to make changes, manually, can be mind numbly dull and anti-productive. Your time is best focused on the future; not on the technical slog of keeping a website up-to-date. Enter: Content Management Systems Content...

How to Increase Traffic and Shares with Content Unlocking

The idea of content unlocking is somewhat new to the affiliate marketing world. Well, maybe not the idea itself, but the term “locked content” certainly is. The basic principles are pretty simple. As an affiliate or a product owner doing business from your own website, you can choose to have some content locked to the general audience. In order to view this content, the visitor has to take a predefined action. The action can be anything that makes sense to you – the website owner and results in more business coming your way. The most common ways of unlocking content...