Free Tools to Help You Create Great Visual Content

Visual content is where it’s at. A picture of a grumpy cat, stunning infographics, wallpapers, beautiful scenery, pictures of food, and the like are all easy-to-share pieces of media. What better way to spread your message and brand than through something visual? You don’t have to spend a few hours writing content, shooting video, or recording audio. You could snap a few pictures or screenshots and have it spread like crazy. Of course, adding a little flair can definitely help which is why we’ve done a round-up of free tools to help you create great visual content. Pixlr is...

Unique Content: Finding the Perfect Blend of Real-World and Theory-Based Topics

Unique content should be believable but also capture the reader’s attention in the form of a story. In the publishing world we see this as fiction and nonfiction; you have die-hard fans of each type but the masses will generally jump between the two because each provides a fun and valuable set of insights (or entertainment). What I’d like to discuss with this post is the inherent need to go as deep as possible with your content creation to form it into a unique piece that’s impossible to replicate; at the same time I want to explain why theory content...

How to Format Website Content to Increase Engagement

Believe it or not, people will skim through the content regardless of whether it’s extremely valuable to their immediate needs. It could be a life-changing idea but everyone jumps around when reading online text. The problem is skimming. Alot of your vital information (and call-to-actions) get passed over therefore you lose out on converting the visitor. The aim of this article is to dive into what makes for great formatting. The goal is to get your visitors not only read the content but take action. STOP. Don’t Skim. Headlines - these are what most people read and then make their...

7 Proven Lead Generating Content Types to Increase Sales

Want the inside scoop on the proven lead generating content types used by successful content marketers? The reason we create content, as affiliate marketers, is to drive search and social traffic to our affiliate offers – plain and simple. Yes, we want to educate and entertain our readership but, at the end of the day, content transforms as a means to an end. This brings up a surprising dilemma. We work our tails off creating great content on a daily basis, we invest so much of our time into media support, and nearly break our hands sharing it across the...

50 Affiliate Content Ideas for Traffic and Conversions

The spark of affiliate content ideas … Sometimes it hits you, sometimes you’re stumped. Content gives you the fuel for building higher search ranking and social sharing -- a constant stream is what you should strive to meet each passing day. The one trip up stems from creative blocks. Creativity is all around us, within us, and waiting to get out. But... If you’re hitting this block, need to get idea to paper, and have something published than take a gander through this list of affiliate content ideas – they’ll surely drive traffic and help with conversions … 1. Write...

How To Develop a Wildly Popular Content Series

A content series becomes a powerful asset in your affiliate marketing business because it gives you an immense boost to your niche authority, search engine placement, and be reworked into additional opportunities to generate affiliate commissions. The focus of this guide is to give you a solid foundation for developing your own content series (similar to ones you’ve seen on Your series, with enough hard and dedicated work, can become a definitive piece within your niche (and industry) so go and get a pen & paper, prepare to take a good bit of notes, because you’re getting a crash...

How-To Write Jaw-Dropping Emails that Gets the Click

Creating a consistent flood of jaw-dropping emails become a powerful business asset used to generate interest in your content. These emails encourage followers to share your work, and, the fun part, spur conversion and sales. (more…)

Create a Kindle Ebook by Repurposing Blog Content

Right now, you’re sitting on a mountain of great content that could become a kindle ebook. Having it only on your website or in your email list is truly stifling your ability to make the most of your assets. (more…)