Cyber Monday Niche Blueprint: Earn on the Biggest Online Shopping Day

Last year, according to Huffington Post, over $1.5 billion was spent during Cyber Monday. Now, that’s not nearly as much as you’d find during Black Friday. This continues to grow as more and more people become aware of the deals that happen the Monday after. One of the biggest benefits of creating an affiliate niche website around Cyber Monday, as compared to the others, is that you can continue to operate this website during the off-months because it can transition to regular sales if you angle it correctly. Creating great lists/round-ups, building an email list, and gaining social followers will...

Free Tools to Help You Create Great Visual Content

Visual content is where it’s at. A picture of a grumpy cat, stunning infographics, wallpapers, beautiful scenery, pictures of food, and the like are all easy-to-share pieces of media. What better way to spread your message and brand than through something visual? You don’t have to spend a few hours writing content, shooting video, or recording audio. You could snap a few pictures or screenshots and have it spread like crazy. Of course, adding a little flair can definitely help which is why we’ve done a round-up of free tools to help you create great visual content. Pixlr is...

6 Creative Ways to Make Money Online and From Home is dedicated to providing helpful information about affiliate marketing. But... We don’t want to rule out other opportunities when you’re trying to make money online. There are plenty of alternatives that'll turn into a few extra bucks during your downtime. Devote a few hours to some of these methods and you could ease the stress from bills or begin setting aside extra money for that long-awaited vacation. Here are our picks ... #1: Make Money with Microtasks Microtasks are exactly what you can expect when hearing the term – you perform short tasks in exchange for money. One of...

A Guide to Habit Building (and Making Them Stick)

Habit building is difficult because good habits are easy to create... ...but even easier to break. You've got to have the willpower to keep them in your everyday routine. In business, great habits become one of your greatest assets. It will allow you to push through barriers and break the glass ceiling. This will lift you from stagnation. The process of habit building can take you anywhere. In the following sections, you’ll learn what it takes to build a great habit. Plus, how to make them stick and how to apply them to business. Act on this information – right...

7 Proven Lead Generating Content Types to Increase Sales

Want the inside scoop on the proven lead generating content types used by successful content marketers? The reason we create content, as affiliate marketers, is to drive search and social traffic to our affiliate offers – plain and simple. Yes, we want to educate and entertain our readership but, at the end of the day, content transforms as a means to an end. This brings up a surprising dilemma. We work our tails off creating great content on a daily basis, we invest so much of our time into media support, and nearly break our hands sharing it across the...

Start a Side Hustle while Working a 9-to-5 (How-To)

Holding a 9-to-5 has its benefits like stability but if you were to start a side hustle... now we're talkin'! 9-to-5's mean we’re trading time for money. In the long run, it often keeps us from exploring our true potential for entrepreneurship. Coming home from a long day of work can have you zapped on energy. You just want to veg out in front of the T.V. and relax. Don’t … Those hours of your afternoon could get placed toward building your legacy. You could start a side hustle, instead. Here’s what you need to know … Developing Your Approach to Start...

How-to Draft a Fool-Proof Guest Post Guideline

Accepting guest posts is a great way to keep your website fresh on content, allow others to share their knowledge, and bring insight to your community but it can be a real pain in the rear when you receive a guest post that’s either pure garbage or simply doesn’t ‘fit’ your style. A guest post guideline is a great way to increase the frequency of great guest posts; having one in place will free up your time having to deal with submitters and ensure you’re only receiving the best. In this post, we’ll be sharing a simple guest post guideline...

The Beginners Guide to Buffer: Automate Your Social Media

Automation in your social media can keep you away from divulging too much time into a platform. This lets you can best keep your attention on the bigger projects and opportunities. Not all social media should be automated. But... An active stream is very important for delivering value to your community and keeping an active online presence. There’s no way you can share content at any hour of the day if you do not use some form of automation. There are many tools available to automate your social media presence but one that has shot up the charts is the...