Best Email Marketing Tools for Affiliate Marketing

Ah, email marketing tools. What would we do without them? Email marketing is the bread and butter of affiliate marketing. With email marketing, you gain the benefit of reaching your core audience virtually free. Each point of contact can be used to reaffirm your authority while presenting an opportunity to create a sale. You could technically conduct your email marketing with your normal email account. Whether you want to curate that list, spend hours and hours modifying the emails, and potentially getting your account flagged as spam is your choice. The smart option is to use an email marketing tool....

Best Content Creation Services for Affiliate Marketing

No affiliate marketing project is complete without content. Content is what drives visitors to your site (like how you’re here now) through multiple channels whether that’s via social media shares, search results, or advertising. Content is the vehicle for your message and offer – it exhumes your brand, expertise, and authority. There’s a problem, though: Content creation is tough. We don’t doubt you could create great content for your site. What we do doubt is whether you have the commitment to produce it on the regular. Ask yourself: Could I shoot a video, write a 1,000+ word blog post, or...


GoDaddy Affiliate Program: Overview The GoDaddy affiliate program is a wonderful bonus underlying the domain name registrar. Despite its media fumbles, GoDaddy is a widely used domain name provider for millions of customers every year. Buying a domain name on GoDaddy is streamlined and simplified with its basic input and auto-suggestions for various TLD’s. Customers can also bid on owned domains using their service. Or, take to the auction market to snag domains they truly want for online projects and businesses. The GoDaddy checkout process comes packed with multiple offers and up-sells. This includes up-sells for email services, privacy, and...


Clickbank Affiliate Marketplace: Overview Clickbank is one of the most popular beginner affiliate networks, marketplaces, slash publishing/advertising platforms on the Web. Many veterans use the platform to make money online, but it tends to fall to the wayside as affiliates expand (more on that later). On Clickbank, affiliate marketers can find thousands of fantastic promotional products and offers covering almost every type of niche and market. There’s some bad mixed in but it remains one of the easier platforms to begin exploring affiliate marketing because of its wide offer selection. Many will join, test a campaign, and swear-off the platform....

Best Web Hosts for Affiliate Marketing

The task of building an affiliate marketing website is not complete without web hosts. Web hosting provides the backbone to the site. Solid web hosting improves the user experience by delivering content speedily. Better user experience equates to higher conversions. You see where this is going. Plus, there’s the benefit of having higher ranking signals with Google (they love fast sites). Plus, there’s the benefit of having higher ranking signals with Google (they love fast sites). Paired with a domain name is the hosting. Hosting is nothing more than a server to deliver files requested by users. In case of...

Best Domain Registration for Affiliate Marketing

Your journey into affiliate marketing begins with domain registration. It's this: The domain is your identity on the Web. A great domain increases your chances of ranking within search results. Memorable names stick with visitors well after they’ve left the site. It becomes synonymous with industry authority and makes it easier to refer others to the site. So: At the center of this are domain registrars. These are the companies that manage the registration of domain names. There are dozens to choose from when doing a generalized search. But, which is best? Best Domain Registration -- a TL;DR Look for...

Choosing an Affiliate Offer: Answer These Five, Big Questions

We can feel overwhelmed when choosing an affiliate offer. There's so much access to online business opportunities. You may have dozens of topics, interests, and hobbies. You’ll feel scatter-brained on where you’d like to start in the first place. Once you do start settling in on a niche you’re now faced with the monumental task of finding the products and services worth of promotion. You go from thousands of various affiliate programs and platforms down to a handful. And, you want to make sure you choose the best one. Here are some of the important questions to ask yourself (and...

Working on the Weekends: Keeping the Workflow Going

We’ve already got through the dreadful Monday, got past Tuesday, over the hump on Wednesday, and began riding it out on Thursday – now it’s Friday. You’re pumped. You’re ready to relax. You’re ready to work on those projects. You’re ready to take a trip. Pump the brakes a little because you still need to make it through the day – and try not to make any excuses that it’s the end of the week – because you certainly have work to do that doesn’t need to be rolled over to Monday (which is why it’s sometimes dreadful in the...

Learn and Add CPA Marketing to Your Site: A Starter Guide

Want to learn how to start CPA marketing? Or, add CPA marketing to your existing efforts? CPA (cost-per-action) marketing pays once an individual completes a specific action such as: Filling out a zip code Downloading a program Rating an application A CPA ad, for example, could send someone to a landing page and upon sign up, you may receive a set amount. Compared to affiliate marketing, needing many moving parts, the CPA offer is generally completed for you by the advertiser. In the basic sense … CPA marketing is often easier to earn with. Consider what you’d find easier: A....