How-to Spot (and Avoid) a Lame Affiliate Product

The success of your affiliate marketing business is greatly reliant on your ability to identify and promote products which have real value to your community. The issue that’s all to present, however, is that there are many lame affiliate products because information-based products are so easily created or rely too heavily on hype despite the item having less features than a well-produced, trusted item. What will happen, if you begin promoting lame affiliate products, has a double negative effect: You won’t earn money because no one will want the product You “burn” your community by promoting items without value Good...

7 Proven Lead Generating Content Types to Increase Sales

Want the inside scoop on the proven lead generating content types used by successful content marketers? The reason we create content, as affiliate marketers, is to drive search and social traffic to our affiliate offers – plain and simple. Yes, we want to educate and entertain our readership but, at the end of the day, content transforms as a means to an end. This brings up a surprising dilemma. We work our tails off creating great content on a daily basis, we invest so much of our time into media support, and nearly break our hands sharing it across the...

Start a Side Hustle while Working a 9-to-5 (How-To)

Holding a 9-to-5 has its benefits like stability but if you were to start a side hustle... now we're talkin'! 9-to-5's mean we’re trading time for money. In the long run, it often keeps us from exploring our true potential for entrepreneurship. Coming home from a long day of work can have you zapped on energy. You just want to veg out in front of the T.V. and relax. Don’t … Those hours of your afternoon could get placed toward building your legacy. You could start a side hustle, instead. Here’s what you need to know … Developing Your Approach to Start...

The Beginners Guide to Buffer: Automate Your Social Media

Automation in your social media can keep you away from divulging too much time into a platform. This lets you can best keep your attention on the bigger projects and opportunities. Not all social media should be automated. But... An active stream is very important for delivering value to your community and keeping an active online presence. There’s no way you can share content at any hour of the day if you do not use some form of automation. There are many tools available to automate your social media presence but one that has shot up the charts is the...

How To Develop Irresistible Offers Customers Will Love

What makes irresistible offers? How could you use the promotion to reach that elusive six-figure mark so many strive to achieve? The determining factor for reaching this level of affiliate income lies in one’s ability to find and promote those irresistible offers. Offers virtually overwhelmingly valuable to the buyer. It takes great effort to land on the winning offer. Doing so will be a tipping point for exploding income to the next level. This guide will bring you through the important steps and elements of finding such offers. And, developing them into true money-makers. (more…)

50 Affiliate Content Ideas for Traffic and Conversions

The spark of affiliate content ideas … Sometimes it hits you, sometimes you’re stumped. Content gives you the fuel for building higher search ranking and social sharing -- a constant stream is what you should strive to meet each passing day. The one trip up stems from creative blocks. Creativity is all around us, within us, and waiting to get out. But... If you’re hitting this block, need to get idea to paper, and have something published than take a gander through this list of affiliate content ideas – they’ll surely drive traffic and help with conversions … 1. Write...

The Rise of the Micro Transaction: Small Pricing forms Big Profits

In recent years, we’ve seen a shift from large ticket items for what we could call “micro transactions”; small, but valuable, sales that, on the whole, make a very large chunk of profit for those businesses employing this method of monetary generation. (more…)