How to Install Google Analytics on a WordPress Blog [Quick and Easy]

You’ll want to install Google Analytics on a WordPress blog if you plan to understand and track website traffic. Knowing how many people are visiting, where they’re clicking, how long they’re staying, and what makes them exit can help determine ways to improve the site… ultimately leading to more sales. Google analytics seems daunting – at first – but quickly becomes your second, online home. It’s something you’ll likely obsess about because you now have a way of measuring performance. Installing Google Analytics on a WordPress blog is dead-simple. The process should take less than 5-10 minutes (depending on WP...

Updating Old Content: A One-Two Punch for Fresh Traffic and Engagement

Updating old content seems like a chore considering many content ideas are in the pipeline. You figure, “why bother when I could just create something new?”. I get it. There’s the idea of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. What if I told you… Updating old content would increase traffic and engagement. Something done in half the time compared to what you’d place in creating new stuff.   A Real Example of Updating Old Content here on Can you believe there are over 1,500 blog posts on Makes sense considering the site has been operating for well...


WooCommerce Affiliate Program: Overview WooCommerce is a best-in-class, WordPress ecommerce platform built for performance, usability, and design. The might of WooCommerce comes from its open-source backend allowing any entrepreneur and business owner to explore online sales. This open-source structure also attracts developers and designers offering free and paid extensions to further improve the WooCommerce platform. WooCommerce is extensively flexible and comes packed with built-in features like seamless integration, digital/physical/subscription-based product support, full customization, detailed documentation, built-in blogging, ratings/reviews, and so much more. Affiliates can begin earning 20% commissions for referrals to the platform and extensions through the WooCommerce affiliate program....

Affiliate Manager Questions That Will Make You a Better Affiliate Marketer

Asking the right affiliate manager questions will help you find what's working. The affiliate manager is there to help you, the affiliate, promote to the best of your ability. Questions take the guesswork out of affiliate marketing. These affiliate managers have a great amount of data and this data can help you align your promotions. Doing so will help it to hit the right, targeted individuals. While using the right affiliate promotions. How so? Many new affiliates joining affiliate networks base their promotions on what's "hot". Or, what's showing the highest EPC. This is a decent starting point but it's hard...

Affiliate Payment Types and Models: Your Choice Matters!

Affiliate marketing is divided into different affiliate payment types and models. Each presents a different direction with generating money from your promotions. New affiliate marketers generally focus on a commission model like Amazon Associates. We recommend this when beginning because it allows you to explore affiliate marketing. It's better to focus on the fundamentals than become too wrapped up in ideas. But: This dedication to a single model has risks and drawbacks. The effort you'll place into your affiliate campaign needs an ample reward. Sometimes there are better payouts when promoting different ad types. Imagine your shock to find you...

How Affiliate Marketing Works

Interested in how some of the biggest social media influencers, bloggers, and streamers make money online but not sure how affiliate marketing works? You’re in the right place. Affiliate marketing isn’t too complicated if you look at it from its basic premise: A company has a product or service A person partners with the company Sales generate income for both parties It’s no different than recommending your favorite restaurant or a cool website. Except, if that person decides to visit and spend money then you get a kick-back (commission). When you’re able to create an audience drawn by your passion...

Avis Car Rental

Avis Car Rental Affiliate Program: Overview The Avis car rental affiliate program is an easy way to make money whenever your followers need a ride. Avis, one of the most recognized car rental brands in the world, offers a range of services and options. Drive traffic through your Avis affiliate offers and you’ll soon drive profitability. Avis Rent A Car is located across 165 countries in 5,450+ locations. The Avis Car Rental affiliate program pays a variable commissions determined by the length of car rental time and mileage with baseline earnings starting at 3%. You can earn up to 8%...

Black Friday and Cyber Monday: An Affiliate Guide

Online commerce during Black Friday was projected at $3.34 billion according to Adobe Digital. Cyber Monday, in contrast, had topped $3.45 billion. These two retail holidays attribute to nearly 1/3rd of the total retail spend throughout the year. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are when most individuals are doing their holiday shopping meaning it’s one of the most important sales periods for an affiliate marketer. Here’s how to make major affiliate commissions during these retail holidays. (more…)