Unpaid Commissions Suck, But These Affiliate Dangers & Risks Are Worse.

Affiliate marketing is amazing because you don’t have to create a product or service. You leverage your understanding of the Web (such as content publication, social media, or advertising) to push affiliate offers and earn a commission. The way that sounds gives you the impression that there aren’t any risks involved with the industry. On the contrary. Affiliate marketing, like all other industries, does have its host of issues. There are plenty of hidden dangers and big risks involved when you get involved. This post wasn’t made to dissuade you from giving affiliate marketing a shot. It’s here so that...

8 Reasons Why People are Leaving Your Website

A high bounce rate brings tears to our eyes. It tells us that we’re doing something wrong. We may not be able to appeal to everyone but since it’s such a high number there’s obviously something we could do better. When you reduce the bounce rate you’re effectively retaining those visitors. The longer you can keep them on the site the higher the chance you have at leading them down the conversion funnel. Bounce rate also happens to play a small portion of search ranking. Why would a search engine like Google want a site that 80%+ people leave within the...

Six Subreddits Ideal for the Affiliate Marketer

Reddit is one of the most popular websites on the Internet. When you look at Reddit it’s best to think of it as individual communities united under one brand. The “subreddits” act a lot like their own entities. You can find just about any type of subreddit out there whether you have an interest in model cars or some obscure hobby. Of course, you can expect a slew of subreddits devoted to the types of activates you’d do as an affiliate marketer. Unfortunately, a lot of these subreddits have been severely spammed and end up being nothing more than a...

How to Build Local Niche Sites: Low Competition, High Earnings Potential

I've been on a kick for local niche sites lately. I recently did a search in my area for dog parks. Our puppy is now at that age (and level of obedience) that I feel comfortable taking her out and letting her loose around other dogs. The results I found were typical: Local news websites covering different parks Dog-focused websites that listed parks in the area Review sites with dog park listings But one that caught my eye (because, like you, I’m into this niche/affiliate/business thing) was one which happened to be a niche site-specific (hyper-local) to my area about...

Make Money as a Digital Landlord with Events & Guides

In the big cities is very easy to keep up-to-date with the local events. There are countless magazines, news sources, flyers, meetups, FB invites, flash organizations, and the like, to keep you in the know about what’s going on. But when you start to get away from the cities you don’t see a whole lot of coverage of smaller events and it’s this void of coverage where you can step in, become a digital landlord, and make some good money - you get to carve out a niche in your hometown. Here’s how you can build up local events &...

How to Use UberSuggest to Generate Endless Blog Post Ideas

I recently stumbled across a new tool that is changing the way I develop ideas for blog posts. The tool: UberSuggest. This tool is like Google Instant Search on steroids. It allows you to plug in a keyword (or phrase) and then it gives you a populated list of various Google Instant Search results. The power comes from the fact that these are common keywords and phrases that people are searching which means they’re highly valuable. The best part? By doing a little bit of research you can find hundreds of topics for blog posts that aren’t really being covered...

The Thanksgiving Niche Blueprint

Americans spend over $400 million on Thanksgiving (and that was in 2011 so we can expect it to increase with each passing year). What people buy isn’t just a big turkey but a variety of items from party supplies, bbq equipment, travel, pumpkins, and much more. Thanksgiving lands on Thursday, November 28th which gives us plenty of time to begin building a niche website around the holiday and begin promoting affiliate products. The following is quick guide and overview to building a Thanksgiving niche website. Step 1: The Thanksgiving Site Setup Setting up the niche site follows the same process...

Using Guest Blogging to Grow Your Traffic and Influence

Guest blogging has been touted as the next generation of link building because it allows you to simultaneously reach out to a new community, display your expertise, expand your brand, and (of course) build links to your website in one fell swoop. (more…)