Affiliate Program: Overview is a website used by real estate professionals to find foreclosed properties throughout the United States. The website offers thousands of aggregated listings by state along with details like asking price, tax info, district details, and more. This service is well-known within the real estate niche as a valuable resource for flipping or creating income property. The affiliate program is open to all with an estimated 5-minute approval period. Once on board, affiliates can earn 25% commissions by referring clients to the platform. The targeted listings, for, includes offers from lenders, government...

32 Creative Facebook Content Ideas to Boost Engagement

Looking for Facebook content ideas? We’ve got 32 for you to try. These are the content types that’ll improve shares, likes, and comments. Plus, give you a chance to pitch products and services. Sound good? Let’s get to it… (more…)

Get More Page Views and Conversions by Using Image Compression Tools

I’ve been on this kick about page bloat. We have plenty of tools like content delivery networks, HTML/CSS minifiers, and browser caching. Google and Facebook do a few tricks for displaying pages faster with AMP and Instant Articles. But, there’s still this underlying problem that pages are bloated with code, scripts, and images. Now… We know images are important for storytelling and visitor retention but a lot of us are adding images forcing end users to take a hit to their bandwidth. Heads up: Not everyone has high-speed Internet. I spent some hours really going after this main culprit: images....

Updating Old Content: A One-Two Punch for Fresh Traffic and Engagement

Updating old content seems like a chore considering many content ideas are in the pipeline. You figure, “why bother when I could just create something new?”. I get it. There’s the idea of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. What if I told you… Updating old content would increase traffic and engagement. Something done in half the time compared to what you’d place in creating new stuff.   A Real Example of Updating Old Content here on Can you believe there are over 1,500 blog posts on Makes sense considering the site has been operating for well...

The Best Bitcoin Affiliate Programs

Bitcoin affiliate programs let you earn money without the expensive, risky investment into the cryptocurrency. These bitcoin affiliate programs are based on tools and resources miners and buyers want and need to grow their crypto wealth. The excitement for Bitcoin is full-speed ahead. In November 2017, bitcoin officially broke the coveted $10k mark. It sent a flurry of sales and buys – and major interest from the MSM, again. It quickly dropped but rallied back to $11k+ in early December. The cat’s out of the bag. There’s talk of the Bitcoin Bubble but there’s too much riding on the blockchain...

Write Consistently — The Big, Long Post on Creating More Content

What probably brought you to the post was something like "how often should I post?". I mean really ... how often should we post? Some say you should publish a post every day while others are telling you to do one big piece at leisure. There's also how long the content should be and what time it should go out. To hell with that! (more…)

Stay Up Late: Finding Time for Your Side Gig

The Web never sleeps. This very moment, even if you’re off into la-la land, people are visiting your website, absorbing your message, and considering the purchase of your affiliate products. (more…)

Best Telecommunications Affiliate Programs

There's an incredible money making opportunity when partnering with the best telecommunication affiliate programs. Why? Well... There’s almost a 1:1 cell phone subscription to every person in the world. A stat slightly hard to believe but true. In the U.S., 95% of Americans have a cellphone and of that… 77% of those are smartphones. In what seems like only yesterday we made the big shift to mobile. (more…)