Best Web Hosts for Affiliate Marketing

The task of building an affiliate marketing website is not complete without web hosts. Web hosting provides the backbone to the site. Solid web hosting improves the user experience by delivering content speedily. Better user experience equates to higher conversions. You see where this is going. Plus, there’s the benefit of having higher ranking signals with Google (they love fast sites). Plus, there’s the benefit of having higher ranking signals with Google (they love fast sites). Paired with a domain name is the hosting. Hosting is nothing more than a server to deliver files requested by users. In case of...

Best Domain Registration for Affiliate Marketing

Your journey into affiliate marketing begins with domain registration. It's this: The domain is your identity on the Web. A great domain increases your chances of ranking within search results. Memorable names stick with visitors well after they’ve left the site. It becomes synonymous with industry authority and makes it easier to refer others to the site. So: At the center of this are domain registrars. These are the companies that manage the registration of domain names. There are dozens to choose from when doing a generalized search. But, which is best? Best Domain Registration -- a TL;DR Look for...

Learn and Add CPA Marketing to Your Site: A Starter Guide

Want to learn how to start CPA marketing? Or, add CPA marketing to your existing efforts? CPA (cost-per-action) marketing pays once an individual completes a specific action such as: Filling out a zip code Downloading a program Rating an application A CPA ad, for example, could send someone to a landing page and upon sign up, you may receive a set amount. Compared to affiliate marketing, needing many moving parts, the CPA offer is generally completed for you by the advertiser. In the basic sense … CPA marketing is often easier to earn with. Consider what you’d find easier: A....

Finding Golden Affiliate Opportunities in Old Posts

It strikes me as odd that bloggers, site owners, and marketers all seem to have a mindset that content marketing is about fresh content. Without a doubt – adding fresh content to the site can pick up those search listings (especially if it’s playing into a trend or shift in the industry) but think about this for a second … … what about all those old posts? Surely you put a lot of effort into the creation of those. You poured your time and knowledge into crafting great works. … so then why do so many people neglect these old...

How-To Write Jaw-Dropping Emails that Gets the Click

Creating a consistent flood of jaw-dropping emails become a powerful business asset used to generate interest in your content. These emails encourage followers to share your work, and, the fun part, spur conversion and sales. (more…)

How to Setup a Quiet, Productive Home Office

A quiet, productive home office is the ideal work environment if you plan to get things done. It doesn't matter if you're making an effort to become a full-time affiliate marketer. Or, just need to get some extra work done from home. (more…)

Google Analytics Basics: Understanding Analytics for Beginners

Are you using Google Analytics? Don't know how it works or how to read it? Google Analytics is a tool with a wide variety of features for website tracking. But, even this simple description doesn’t do the tool enough justice. To understand the power of Google Analytics, let’s examine its various uses and why you need to get on board with tracking your website. The Google Analytics Basics: Traffic Tracking First off, install Google Analytics if you haven't. Operating blindly (no data) is a down-right travesty for your business opportunity. Got it installed? Good... At its core, Google Analytics is...