Moonlighting: Affiliate Marketing in Your Free Time

Moonlighting The act of working a second job without the general awareness of others knowing. Affiliate marketing can be a tricky game for newcomers. It presents a vast set of challenges and requires a keen understanding of many business elements which aren’t taught, openly, to those working a “day” job or those in an unrelated career. Moonlighting jobs and after-hour activities, as an affiliate, grants those -- comfortable in their current position -- a way to begin learning and implementing business projects with the aid of a safety net. Though a person’s potential for growth is only limited by holding...

The Basic HTML Every Blog and Site Owner Should Know

“Why should I bother learning basic HTML if it’s done for me?”. Sure, 99% of the time you’ll never touch the code… …but what about the 1% you’d like to make custom changes? What if your developer is out of town and you really need to run a promotion? Or, if your blog post is lacking that certain something which you could add if you knew some basic HTML. Stick with me because this stuff isn’t hard or technical. (more…)

How to Pick Blog Categories (Without Making a Mess of the Blog Archives)

A common problem when bloggers pick blog categories is the lack of oversight. It’s having to rework blog category archives, as the blog grows, because the categories don’t match the topics. Or, they were creating new blog categories each time they went to publish. The blog became a jumbled mess. Good user experience and site navigation is the purpose of blog categories. This article will help you understand their purpose and how to pick categories that’ll best match your site (and intentions). (more…)

How Popular Mom Blogs Make Money Online

Mom blogs make money online through a combination of high traffic paired with advertising, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content. They’re a big hit with the parenting community because they share interesting tips, recipes, lifestyle content, and helpful product suggestions. In fact – we think mom blogs are the perfect way to explain how to monetize a site. These mom bloggers are highly passionate and the same goes for their audience. An audience that’s growing – there’s more and more stay at home moms. Being a mom isn’t like some hot fad or hobby – there’s long-term commitment ­– meaning those...

How to Write SEO-Friendly Meta Descriptions [with Examples]

SEO-friendly meta descriptions and tags were all the rage a decade ago. They were quite effective in boosting search engine rankings which lead many site owners to “stuff” their pages with keywords. Google (and other search engines) let this slide for a while but eventually gave these sites a slap. Today, meta descriptions don’t play nearly as big of a role with search ranking factors. In fact, Google doesn’t use them at all… but, they’re something you should do, regardless. Mainly because they are a good practice for usability and provide the benefit of encouraging clicks to your page.  ...

Updating Old Content: A One-Two Punch for Fresh Traffic and Engagement

Updating old content seems like a chore considering many content ideas are in the pipeline. You figure, “why bother when I could just create something new?”. I get it. There’s the idea of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. What if I told you… Updating old content would increase traffic and engagement. Something done in half the time compared to what you’d place in creating new stuff.   A Real Example of Updating Old Content here on Can you believe there are over 1,500 blog posts on Makes sense considering the site has been operating for well...


WooCommerce Affiliate Program: Overview WooCommerce is a best-in-class, WordPress ecommerce platform built for performance, usability, and design. The might of WooCommerce comes from its open-source backend allowing any entrepreneur and business owner to explore online sales. This open-source structure also attracts developers and designers offering free and paid extensions to further improve the WooCommerce platform. WooCommerce is extensively flexible and comes packed with built-in features like seamless integration, digital/physical/subscription-based product support, full customization, detailed documentation, built-in blogging, ratings/reviews, and so much more. Affiliates can begin earning 20% commissions for referrals to the platform and extensions through the WooCommerce affiliate program....

Affiliate Marketing Myths: Don’t Believe These Old Wives’ Tales

Affiliate marketing myths continue to linger after all these years. They seem to stick because of two crowds – those that tried, got frustrated, and gave up or those that are uninformed. The affiliate marketing myths include: It’s expensive to get started The market is oversaturated Affiliate programs are scams Niches aren’t worth the time You’re SOL if you’re non-tech It’s kind of laughable that these old wives’ tales and misconceptions keep appearing in social media discussions and blog posts. It makes you wonder if these non-truths are shared so others don’t get into this wildly addictive game of business....