Best Site Building & Design Tools for Affiliate Marketing

The website. Where would affiliate marketing be without one? Today, you can build an affiliate business without the use of one (mainly relying on email and social) but considering how easy they’re to build with the use of web design tools… why wouldn’t you? The website offers too many benefits to forgo: Building credibility and authority through content Offering products & services via affiliate links Collecting data about your visitors with analytics Centralizing community interaction through forums It really is a “base” of operations. For the longest time, site development was done by professionals. They would command top dollar for...

Amazon Associates

Amazon Affiliate Program Overview Amazon Associates is the leading affiliate program offered by e-commerce giant, Joining this program creates an opportunity to earn money anytime visitors shop on Amazon through your referral link. Despite its short 24-hour affiliate cookie, commissions ranging from 0-10% are calculated for any product or service bought during their shopping spree. Adding links to Amazon products is incredibly simple and intuitive using their OneLink service. Affiliates are provided customizable tracking IDs through. The Amazon affiliate links are found on each page within the site stripe else created for generic purposes when adding offers to a...

Best Web Hosts for Affiliate Marketing

The task of building an affiliate marketing website is not complete without web hosts. Web hosting provides the backbone to the site. Solid web hosting improves the user experience by delivering content speedily. Better user experience equates to higher conversions. You see where this is going. Plus, there’s the benefit of having higher ranking signals with Google (they love fast sites). Plus, there’s the benefit of having higher ranking signals with Google (they love fast sites). Paired with a domain name is the hosting. Hosting is nothing more than a server to deliver files requested by users. In case of...

Learn and Add CPA Marketing to Your Site: A Starter Guide

Want to learn how to start CPA marketing? Or, add CPA marketing to your existing efforts? CPA (cost-per-action) marketing pays once an individual completes a specific action such as: Filling out a zip code Downloading a program Rating an application A CPA ad, for example, could send someone to a landing page and upon sign up, you may receive a set amount. Compared to affiliate marketing, needing many moving parts, the CPA offer is generally completed for you by the advertiser. In the basic sense … CPA marketing is often easier to earn with. Consider what you’d find easier: A....

How to Build Local Niche Sites: Low Competition, High Earnings Potential

I've been on a kick for local niche sites lately. I recently did a search in my area for dog parks. Our puppy is now at that age (and level of obedience) that I feel comfortable taking her out and letting her loose around other dogs. The results I found were typical: Local news websites covering different parks Dog-focused websites that listed parks in the area Review sites with dog park listings But one that caught my eye (because, like you, I’m into this niche/affiliate/business thing) was one which happened to be a niche site-specific (hyper-local) to my area about...

Finding Golden Affiliate Opportunities in Old Posts

It strikes me as odd that bloggers, site owners, and marketers all seem to have a mindset that content marketing is about fresh content. Without a doubt – adding fresh content to the site can pick up those search listings (especially if it’s playing into a trend or shift in the industry) but think about this for a second … … what about all those old posts? Surely you put a lot of effort into the creation of those. You poured your time and knowledge into crafting great works. … so then why do so many people neglect these old...

The Value of Notification Bars, like Hellobar, and Some Alternatives

Hellobar is a plugin/script you’ve more than likely seen. It’s that branded bar that runs across the top of a website that generally displays important information such as a link to a newsletter, latest blog post, promotion, or whatever the site owner has it set to. This bar is very unobtrusive compared to something like a pop over or pop under. It’s up at the top drawing eyeballs without “getting in the way” of a visitor finding your content. Hellobar is awesome, no doubt, but it’s not the only viable option for this type of tool. Personally, I think Hellobar...

E-Cig Marketing Strategies: An Affiliate Guide to the Vaping Market

Got a vape shop and want to do some e-cig marketing? Or, starting a campaign to jump into the market?  Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) have really taken off in popularity. They provide a safer, inexpensive, and flexible option for smokers. Personally, I was smoking a pack a day until my friend introduced me to an e-cig and it was that very day I knew I could make the switch. All the benefits made it an extremely easy choice – and I’ve seen this with hundreds of others when I’m out and about. In flea markets and all-around business parks, I’ll see...

Make Money as a Digital Landlord with Events & Guides

In the big cities is very easy to keep up-to-date with the local events. There are countless magazines, news sources, flyers, meetups, FB invites, flash organizations, and the like, to keep you in the know about what’s going on. But when you start to get away from the cities you don’t see a whole lot of coverage of smaller events and it’s this void of coverage where you can step in, become a digital landlord, and make some good money - you get to carve out a niche in your hometown. Here’s how you can build up local events &...